Christmas has always been my
favorite time of year. I have some
absolutely wonderful memories of growing up and spending Christmas with my
parents and my siblings. Mom and Dad
always went all out, putting up so many Christmas decorations that it took days
to complete. She would cook and bake and
shop, and then all of us would make cookies together.
We had a lot of traditions, but the
best one we had was on Christmas morning.
Daddy always got up first, going downstairs to get his coffee and
turning on the tree lights. Mom would
follow close behind, cautioning us all the while to stay upstairs until
everything was ready. We had one of
those huge 8mm cameras with the light that singed the hair off your eyebrows
when it was filming, so we’d always be temporarily blinded upon first entering
the living room. It was so grand!
And then there it would be! A huge Christmas tree, Bing Crosby singing
“Blue Christmas” in the background, and so many beautifully wrapped presents. We’d start with the stockings, then we’d
exchange gifts from each other, then we’d unwrap all of the “Santa” gifts.
All of these memories are warm and
wonderful. Then once I had children of
my own, I tried to foster the same sorts of traditions. My boys and I would bake cookies, and then
we’d decorate and decorate and decorate!
Everyone looked forward to Christmas morning, and then we’d stay in our
pajamas all day, enjoying our gifts, eating, and watching “A Christmas Story”
over and over again.
Yes, Christmas has always been my
favorite time of the year, but I must admit it had always been my favorite time
for all the wrong reasons, even though I thought they were the right ones. As a Christian, I knew that “Jesus is the
Reason for the Season.” I know the real
meaning of Christmas, but even in that I had lost track of why I celebrated. I lost
sight of where the meaning was, not
so much in whom the meaning existed.
Jeff and I moved away from both of
our families once we were married almost 29 years ago. So, having Christmas at our childhood home
had become difficult. Then, a few years
ago while my boys were serving in the Army and the Marines, both of them were
in Afghanistan at the same time during Christmas, so neither of them were going
to be home.
All of a sudden, Christmas lost all
joy for me. I was empty, and I didn’t
want to celebrate at all. My boys were
gone, I was 2000 miles from my parents and my brother and sister and their
families. What was the point?
Right there and then I decided that
I wouldn’t put up any decorations, and as a matter of fact, I wanted Jeff to
take me somewhere so I didn’t have to be home at all. Maybe somewhere tropical…I didn’t care, as
long as it wasn’t there in my house without my boys and my traditions. However, we have two dogs, one of which is a
Great Dane and the size of a small horse, so traveling with them would be too
difficult. Reluctantly, I acquiesced
that staying home was best.
A few days after Thanksgiving that
year, a time when I was usually elbow deep in Christmas decorations and
shopping, I simply couldn’t get a certain passage of Scripture out of my
mind. You see, I didn’t think I was
being belligerent or unreasonable.
Actually, I felt I was being very reasonable. God was about to remind me that I was
certainly not.
The passage that kept coming to
mind was from 1 Peter 1:3-5,
Blessed be the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his
great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is
imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you who by God’s
power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the
last time.
Finally I sat down one day and
really began to look at these verses, trying to understand why God kept
bringing me back to them. Eventually, I
saw Christmas in them, and I was so ashamed of where I had relegated this
blessed time of year.
These verses in 1 Peter really do
have the real meaning of Christmas contained within them, and even though we
might think we have our eyes on the prize, so to speak, any of us can very
quickly lose sight of the gift we celebrate even as we understand the Savior
who gave us this gift.
I mean, think about the
disciples. Even they lost sight of the
prize, and the Prize was standing right in front of them!
In Luke 10 the apostle describes
when Jesus sent out the 72 disciples to go out and preach the Good News. However, once they returned, they exclaimed
in verse 17,
Lord, even the demons are subject to us in
your name!
Jesus quickly re-focused them by
saying in verses 18-20,
I saw Satan fall like lightning
from heaven. Behold, I have given you
authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless,
do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that
your names are written in heaven.
The birth of Jesus Christ
facilitated for us the most amazing gift we will ever be given, and that is
eternity! That was the first point of my
“re-focusing”: It’s not about the gifts
we give and receive to commemorate His birth; it’s about the truly supernatural
gift we’ve been given which was facilitated by
His birth. Our focus, my focus, should
be on the gift of being born again.
In Ephesians 1:11,
In him we have obtained an inheritance,
having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things
according to the counsel of his will.
Not only have I been given the gift
of being born again, but in that gift I have received an inheritance that is
imperishable and glorious. I have been
promised the inheritance of fellow heirs with Christ. Romans 8:16-17 promises,
The Spirit himself bears witness
with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs
of God and fellow heirs with Christ.
That’s an inheritance worth
focusing on!
Then finally, those verses in 1
Peter reminded me of what “home” really is and how I had made it about
something completely temporal instead of the eternal one promised to me in Christ
There is a beautiful song called
“Temporary Home,” by Carrie Underwood.
The chorus of that songs says,
This is my temporary home, it's not where I
Windows and rooms that I'm passing through
This is just a stop on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know
This is my temporary home.
Windows and rooms that I'm passing through
This is just a stop on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know
This is my temporary home.
“Home” is so important to us; it’s
always been so important to me. Why do
you think that is? Why do we put so much
emphasis on going home or being home or having a home?
It’s because home is our identity. It’s our comfort. It’s who we are and where we know we always
When I became distressed and
somewhat depressed at the thought of having no one home for Christmas or in the
thought of not going home for Christmas, I lost sight of where my home really
is. If I centered my thoughts on my real home, if I lived every day in light
of where I really belong, then Christmas and any other time of year for that
matter would only bring me another opportunity to celebrate that.
As believers, this world really is
just our temporary home. It’s not perfect,
though God has graciously given us some beautiful things while here. However, it’s not the end. It’s not even the beginning. This home is temporary.
Jesus said in John 14:2,
In my Father’s house are many
rooms. If it were not so, would I have
told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
This earth is not my home. This is the place where I am on the way to
where I am going. Why would any of us
place our hopes and our dreams and our happiness on something that will pass
away? This is temporary!
How could I not celebrate that
Christmas, regardless of who was there or not there, knowing that Jesus Christ
came in the flesh, was born of a virgin, died a horrible death and then was
raised on the third day so that I would have an eternal home?! How can we focus on anything above that?
I admonish each of you, then, just as
God has admonished me:
your hearts on the greatest gift of all time, the gift of being born again,
to the inheritance that is yours in eternity because of this gift, and
each day, most especially these days, looking toward and living in the
knowledge of our eternal home—heaven.
And put up your decorations, for
heaven’s sake!
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